BurntWood is a small scale, high-end, furniture designer and maker based in Christchurch.


Yes, we do use delivery services nationwide.

Yes, if the timber is suitable to the design you have in mind and fits with our timber requirements.
See Design Philosophy

If it falls within our skills set, sure will!

We recommend application of ‘Natural house eco’ Microwax twice a year (https://www.naturalhouse.co.nz/shop/microwax/).

As the timber is not treated, the furniture needs to be in an indoor environment. When storing the furniture, please do it in a dry environment.   

It depends on size. Dinner tables will likely need to be assembled while smaller items can be shipped assembled.

Your furniture expected finishing date will be discussed when ordering.

On average, it will take 4 to 8 weeks to complete an order. As a boutique manufacturer, we value direct communication with our clients and will email and /or call if we can deliver sooner than due date or facing delays.

The furniture comes with a three-year warranty.